Saturday, May 2, 2009

WHaT To DO WHeN iT's RAiNiNG...

So today was really rainy.. and i don't know about you but my kids are ITCHING to be outside! So Gracie decided to put on her swimsuit for some reason and then she decided to put Acen in one of her suits too! O.o lol He didn't really care that it was a girl suit... he has one of his own, but she wanted him to wear her old one :/ Shad was less that thrilled by this, but i thought it was cute.. and funny!


Tasha said...

That is so funny! Acen looks WAY to BIG with his hair like that! My girls keep wondering how long before they can go swimming! The weather is getting nicer here...but then it seems as soon as it does we have another chilly day! Hope all is well at your house! We miss you & BTW Gracie was at our house yesterday! Makena wanted us to call her Gracie yesterday & then would ask us if what she was doing or saying was like Gracie! She is quit the kid! Love you guys & miss ya!