Tuesday, June 16, 2009

PoPCoRN KeRNaLs.....

So have you ever wondered what to do with those annoying popcorn kernals after you microwave your popcorn..... Why not shove them up your nose!!!! Thats what Acen did today :/ Now he had done this the other day, but i was able to get it out.. Today however he had it shoved so far up there i didnt even dare try.. So I did what any mother would do, I made Shad take him to the Dr. haha! i was scared! Either way it come out and he is fine!


Tasha said...

I'm glad everything turned out okay with the popcorn kearnel! you guys have been up to a lot, I've missed having the internet to stay in touch with everyone! We loved having Shad & Gracie come & stay & wish it wasn't such a long drive so you & Acen could have came too!!! I love the picture of the cat stuck in the door it made me laugh! WE miss you all!!!

Lisa Summers & Fam said...

That is funny, but way scary. Kolton tried something similar this week. He shoved an earring back into his ear, I pulled it out with tweezers. I just figured it could only go so far and if it reached that point the dr. could get it.

Trisa Johnson said...

what is your email address and i can send you some california pics:)