Thursday, March 12, 2009

LeTs CaTCh Up.....

Lets start with little miss going on 20.... Gracie. Well as you can see she has lost her first tooth, and has another not to far behind from falling out! She is doing well in school, and busy as ever! Even if i had the time, and my fingers could take all the typing.. I don't know that i could catch you up on all that she has been doing! She has had a few 'boyfriends' so far i lost track, she gets the directions to their homes thinking we will take her there, ummm.. no! O.o One of her most recent funny stories, she has a book that she has to bring home to read to us and then take back to pass off.. Well the one book said 'FAT CAT' well we don't say 'fat' in our house and so she was hesitant to read it... I told her that if its in a book and for school and she is not directing it towards someone its ok.. so she did and she passed it off. Well about a week later she had a workbook she was doing for class and she was supposed to write the first letter of the picture beside it. Well i was checking her work as she finished and there was a picture of a umpire, and to the side she wrote 'fat' .. i said 'Gracie, why did you write the word fat out to the side of the umpire?' she said ' Well.. cuz he is fat..' now i was trying so hard not to laugh but omg! how could i not! lol! So we fixed it and she changed it to a 'U'... :/ Besides all the silly school stuff.. she has been going with her dad to call in coyotes, looking for drop horns, and went to a few chariot races here n there. She has really got into reading tho and loves to do it! She is looking forward to this summer and the horse races, I am too... I am so sick of being in this house! The highlight of our day is taking her to the bus! Although Acen does miss her and hates for her to go he does enjoy the car ride! She is such a good helper with her brother and loves to take care of him! Which brings us to the little monster himself... Acen banana goober (as we call him)

My little man is now 18 months old, and FULL OF SPUNK! What a go getter! I thought when he was a baby he would be more layed back n easy goin.. as he is BUT... almost toooooo much! He thinks he is INVISIBLE! And he is so into everything! I mean I know this might sound 'white trash' but i have yet to find anything better.. so if you have any ideas, please tell! His ALL TIME FAV thing to do is open my oven door and stand on it, well jump actually! Now my oven is fairly new and i am not about to have him break it, well i have a lock latch but on my oven when i flip it over it does the self cleaning, plus he is smart enough and tall enough to flip it back, well I just kept dealing with it thinking he would get bored of it, until one day i was getting dinner together and turned on the oven to pre-heat and after a few min. i could smell this yucky smell.... so i open the oven and.... dun dun dun MY CORDLESS PHONE ON THE RED HOT WIRE! the antenna melted and smoking! O.O So now i was like mk.... what do i have that i could like KEEP HIM OUT! So i see a shoe lace, and that gave me the 'white trash' idea to tie the handle of the oven to the handle of my cupboard above my stove.. I am sure there are some sort of child proof contraptions out there, but hey this was free and it has worked so far! lol!And that is just the tip of the iceburg of all his 'monsterness' he is such a good little boy tho! and so sweet! he LOVES Gracie and omg, when we go get her off the bus he gets so excited jumping up and down screaming "GRACIE GRACIE!" and as she gets to the car door he tries to open it for her, so sweet! He goes 100 miles an hr and i cant let him out of my site! Shad had him up to his parents the other day, and he said he was RIGHT by him and he said Acen in a split second got over by the horse and as Shad went to get him away the horse stepped on poor Acens little hand! :( But it could have been way worse, and he was just fine, barley a scratch! I could go on and on trying to catch up, but i am not going to, i will start from here, and try so very hard to keep up! But yes we are all well, happy, healthy, and loving life!


Malizia's said...

yeah your back! Your kids are so fun! Laney hasn't taken off the dress you gave her. She loves it so much. She thinks its even cooler beacause it came from gracie!

Unknown said...

Glad you updated us!!! I have been wondering how you guys were. I am sure we will see you at the races. It is going to be an exhausting year : )

Callisters said...

Becky I am so happy to see that you are alive and doing well!!! Your kids are getting so big, I can't believe Acen is already 18 months old, time flies by. Can you believe that we almost have 1st graders?!!

toni said...

hey u i am glad to hear from you I was getting worried that you didnt like me anymore... Anyways i hope all is well your kids r cute. We should do lunch and talk i really need to talk to u... call me

the olsen family said...

Thanks for the comment and glad to see you posted! We all fall off the earth every once in awhile! (I am not a blog-a-chiever so I know how it is!) I'm glad you guys are doing good. I've been thinking about ya...