Thursday, April 2, 2009

In LiKe A LiON... :/

Is it just me or are any of you feeling like Spring will never get here..... I am about going crazy! Then just as it seems like we are getting there with some nice weather... BAM snow... UGH! We don't have too much going on here.. other then trying to stay warm.. still. Although Gracie lost another tooth! She looks so silly! haha! Yet so BIG! I can't believe it, and she is very much on her way to 1st grade! WTHeck! Where does the time go..

Today we had SEP conferences and we went to meet with her Teacher. Gracie is doing really well and has shown MUCH improvement. Her Teacher agrees with me on the fact that Gracie is just going to be Gracie, which means she does things as she is ready and is not on any one's time but her own. She is VERY capable of what she is asked to do, and accomplish, but it has to be her time. The hard thing with this is when she is doing her testing if she is not having a 'good' day, she pretends not to know things or is distracted... Her Teacher says she KNOWS that Gracie knows the things she is 'saying' she forgets... We are working on this.. :/ She is also VERY ready for nice weather and is driving me crazy about 'when is school out and the nice weather coming so we can go to the horse races' I keep telling her i am JUST as anxious as she is.

Acen is... well lets just be honest here.. Acen is a MONSTER! I swear no one would EVER believe me when i say that because he is so shy around other people, and seems to put on a good 'front' that he is nothing but a angel child.... but he is out of control! I am running out of ways to 'Acen proof' my house he figures out a way to get into everything! His new favorite thing is to climb the ladder to the bunk beds... This has never been a issue and we have had the bunk beds since before he was born, i guess they JUST now caught his eye as to something he can do to get in trouble. He is just on the go 24/7! I mean i have to keep all the doors to every room shut in my house, i don't know what will happen when he is tall enough to reach them and open them! O.o He also loves to pester his sister to the point she cries! A 18 month old making a 6 yr old cry?!?! That's bad! Although if you ask me she has had it coming! She has in the past done some not so nice things! He pretends to give her a toy and then yanks it away and shouts "NO!" and runs..

As for me i made the 'mistake' of watching Twilight, not having read the books yet, and the movie so leaves you hanging! So i called up Trisa and asked to borrow all her books so i could see how things end up! I couldn't take it! So i have been reading almost non stop for a week and a half now! There are 4 books to the saga, i didn't read the 1st since the movie was based on the first book, and started with the 2nd one which picks up where the movie left off. The books are long, and I hate to read, BUT i am telling you, i have really enjoyed these books! I am now on the 4th (and last) book. It has 754 pgs i am on pg 557... Almost there! I am kinda sad tho :( I have really enjoyed kicking back while Gracie is at school, Acen is asleep (thank goodness) and reading these books! If you have not read them you should!


Tasha said...

We are going crazy to waiting for SPRING! Brooklyn keeps wanting to go to the park & I keep telling her she has to wait! What will you do when Acen gets to the terrible 2s? He is so stinkin cute though I could steal him!!! The girls miss playing with them both! I'm glad to hear Gracie is doing good in school!! I love your blog background!! FYI I find out April 17th what we are having I hope a boy too for poor little Acen, but sure did look like another girl when we looked in Utah, but I was only 14 weeks! Take Care & we LOVe & miss you all!! Oh & you are beating me I just finished the second book of the twlight series! Glad you are enjoying them.

the olsen family said...

Twilight is Awesome! Kind of depressing for me cuz I really wanted to be married to a vampire for awhile! The 4th was my favorite.